June 3, 2016

Maison Crepes Grand Opening

THIRD WARD – The sense of community was warm and enveloping at the grand opening of Maison Crepes on May 18. Only a keen ear was required to confirm the authenticity of Maison Crepes (4803 Main St.). When French permeates the conversations at a French creperie, interest is piqued. Delphine Montandon, proprietor at Maison Crepes, was trained as a chef in her native France and operated a successful catering business before taking the plunge into organizing a brick-and-mortar establishment. To witness her interactions with French expats who supported her first business and showed up to christen her newest endeavor revealed a truth about her unwavering commitment.

“I’m happy that people love to come here. I just want to make it better.” elated Montadon.

She began her catering business, My French Kitchen, in 2014, making crepes from her home. Her business grew from a small circle of family and friends through established connections with other French nationals. By July of 2015, Montandon had signed a lease and initiated the long, arduous process of business ownership.


Delphine Montandon, Owner of Maison Crepes

Delphine Montandon, Owner of Maison Crepes

Being a French woman in Houston revealed a unique set of obstacles, but the presence of a supportive community eased the transition. As she cooks alongside here chef partner, Blake Deville, serves crepes and chat with well-wishers, what is evident are the complex relationships she labored to construct via a familiar French staple that reminded so many of their native land.

“I have traditional French food and I’m French,” Montandon said. “That’s why I call it Maison Crepes – it means ‘House of Crepes.’ It’s like you come to my home and I make you crepes from France.”