OST/Almeda Corridors Redevelopment Authority; Reinvestment Zone Number Seven, City of Houston, Texas (TIRZ #7); & Emancipation Park Conservancy Invite you to participate in a PUBLIC MEETING REGARDING THE EMANCIPATION PARK AND COMMUNITY CENTER - PHASE[...]
GSMD’s 2nd Heavy Trash Removal Event in January a Success; 3rd Round Planned for April The Greater Southeast Management District (GSMD), which launched its anti-litter campaign, "Cleaner. Safer. Better," earlier this year, held its second heavy trash removal event on January 26. Bryan Smart, the owner of Smartscaping, the[...]
Museum Park Super Neighborhood Celebrates Trees
Urban Forestry-City of Houston Parks Department is almost finished installing new trees purchased through mitigation funds from the X Houston project. The urban foresters did finish tidying up the unavoidable equipment ruts. The neighborhood is[...]
Valentine’s Day Safe Dates – Use Our Uber Promo Code
The Greater Southeast Management District (Houston Southeast) has partnered with Uber to help you get around the District and reduce your risk of an unfortunate tow or parking ticket! Use an Uber Voucher good for[...]
SBA Houston Upcoming Events
Updates for the SBA Houston District Office. Houston District Office - February 2023 Houston District Office Monthly Information Series: Money Mondays Monday, February 13 | 2:00pm CST | REGISTER Born Global Venture Lab - America's Seed[...]
Houston Southeast Celebrates Black History Month
Houston Southeast was created to preserve the history and heritage of one of the city’s most vibrant communities while enhancing opportunities for those who live and work here. Our service to the broader community is[...]
Real Fans Don’t Drink & Drive – Use Our Uber Promo Code
The Greater Southeast Management District (Houston Southeast) has partnered with Uber to help you get around the District and reduce your risk of an unfortunate tow or parking ticket! Use an Uber Voucher good for[...]
February is Safe Storage Awareness Month
Save a life. Lock up your guns.
SBA: Upcoming Events
Houston District Office - February 2023 Mid-Day Coffee Chat: GHWCC WBC and SBA Houston Monday, February 6 | 12:00pm CST | REGISTER Learn How to Do Business with the Federal Government (Hosted by the WBEA Women’s[...]