The city’s Third Ward is steeped in history and now, thanks in part to the Greater Southeast Management District (Houston Southeast), a 4-mile stretch of that history will be getting a much-needed infusion of cash.[...]
Houston Named One of the Fastest Growing Metros for Tech Startups
Houston named one of the fastest growing metros for tech startups Houston has seen an influx of new startups entering the market — and that growth hasn't gone unnoticed. "Houston's future is a bright one,"[...]
Houston Deemed One of the Top ‘Cities of the Future’ in North America
Watch out, world. Here comes Houston! Houston ranks fifth on a new 2019-20 list of the 10 North American Cities of the Future produced by the fDi Intelligence division of the Financial Times. The ranking[...]
New Lifestyle App MVEMNT Spotlights 1,000 African-American-Owned Businesses
A recently launched mobile application named MVEMNT showcases roughly 1,000 African-American- owned businesses. While the MVEMNT is a national app, it's currently featuring businesses situated in Houston, Washington, DC, Baltimore, Atlanta, Charlotte, and New York City. In[...]
Emancipation Park Wins Urban Land Institute Houston Development of Distinction 2019 Award for Open Spaces
2019 Emancipation Park 147th Juneteenth Celebration The Houston District Council of the Urban Land Institute has announced the winners of its 2019 Development of Distinction Awards. The awards recognize developments and open spaces that demonstrate best practices[...]
Pearl Hospitality Announces 7 New Houston Southeast Fast-casual Dining Options to Open in 2020
Pearl Hospitality recently announced seven (7) new tenants for the ground floor of the historic Medical Towers, which is being redeveloped into a 273-room Westin Hotel. The Houston developer has signed lease agreements with MOD[...]
METRO’s Autonomous Vehicle Pilot Begins this Summer in Partnership with TSU
The Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County (METRO) is gearing up to test a self-driving vehicle at the Texas Southern University campus. The first phase of the pilot project will kick off June 5. During[...]
University of Houston System Approved for $109 Million in State Funding
As the city’s first new medical school in nearly half a century. The money will help pay for the UH College of Medicine, new facilities for the UH Law Center and Hobby School of Public[...]
Houston Named the No. 2 City for STEM Jobs
Sure, Houston can boast that it's the Energy Capital of the World. That's undisputed. However, Houston also is making strides in the wider range of STEM fields — science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. A new study from[...]