Compliance Documents
Public notices, RFPs, and other announcements
The Greater Southeast Management District – Houston Southeast (GSEMD) seeks the services of a qualified architectural and engineering consultant or consultant team (“Consultant”) to provide Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E) for the Columbia Tap Trail Project located in the southeast area of the City of Houston, Texas. The project scope and location are described in Section 2 below. The qualified firm will provide professional engineering services including all preliminary engineering, final design, and construction phase services, to include construction engineering and inspections and engineer of record.
The Greater Southeast Management District (“GSMD”) seeks a Professional Services firm or consultant to establish an Economic Development Non-Proft Organization for the District. The qualified firm or consultant should have experience working with government, public and/or private not-for-profit organizations.
The Board of Directors will appoint a Task Force to work with firm or consultant to develop the non-profit organization (NPO). The qualified firm or consultant should be able to facilitate the District in the following:
Task 1. Research
Task 2. Planning and Development Task 3. Filings
Task 4. Meeting Facilitation
Task 5. Brand Coordination
The real property that you are about to purchase is located in the Greater Southeast Management District (the “District”)
and may be subject to District taxes or assessments. The District may, subject to voter approval, impose taxes and issue
bonds. The District may impose an unlimited rate of tax in payment of such bonds. The current rate of the District property
tax is $0 on each $100 of assessed valuation.
The District may impose assessments and issue bonds and impose an assessment in payment of such bonds. The rate of the
District assessment is $0.1150 on each $100 of assessed valuation. The total amounts of bonds payable wholly or partly
from property tax and excluding refunding bonds that are separately approved by the voters and any bonds or any portions
of bonds issued that are payable solely from revenues received or expected to be received under a contract with a
governmental entity approved by the voters are…
PUBLIC NOTICE | Greater Southeast Management District
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Goals Fiscal Years 2024-2026
Greater Southeast Management District (GSMD) has set its Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (“DBE”) goal for federally funded contracts for fiscal years 2024 – 2026.
A copy of the goal calculation is available for view on the GSMD website at and at the offices of GSMD during normal business hours.
GSMD will accept comments on its overall annual DBE goal, which is proposed at 17% through race-neutral means. Public comments can be addressed to:
Greater Southeast Management District DBE Liaison Officer
5445 Almeda Rd Unit 503
Houston, TX 77004
AVISO PÚBLICO | Greater Southeast Management District
Meta del Programa de Empresas Comerciales en Desventaja (DBE) Años Fiscales 2024-2026
Greater Southeast Management District (GSMD) ha fijado su meta referente al programa de Empresas Comerciales en Desventaja (DBE, por sus siglas en inglés) para contratos financiados por el gobierno para los años fiscales 2024 – 2026.
Para leer los cálculos referentes a la meta fijada, visite la página web de GSMD,, o visite la oficina de GSMD durante horas de oficina.
GSMD aceptará comentarios sobre la meta anual DBE, actualmente propuesta en 17%—neutral en términos raciales. Por favor dirigir sus comentarios a:
Greater Southeast Management District DBE Liaison Officer
5445 Almeda Rd Unit 503
Houston, TX 77004